Street Projects:

Cost Estimate:

$200,000 Contract Paving
$150,000 City crew paving and street repair

Stage of Development:

For fiscal year 2002 (July 2001 thru June 2002) the paving contract was awarded and 7 streets were resurfaced under this contract in the fall of 2001 with over 20 additional streets planned for late spring/summer of 2002. In addition city crews provide ongoing street maintenance and street
repairs all year long weather permitting.
The City of Kingsport has over 800 lane miles of streets that have an estimated replacement value of $100 million. As a result, streets represent one of the City's largest investments and funds are directed each year towards the preservation of the value of the streets - both from a motorist usage perspective and from the financial investment in the infrastructure. The City typically replaces 2% of the total street infrastructure each year.

City street crews routinely assess the condition of city streets using industry adopted standards for ride-ability, safety, functionality, etc. Based on these evaluations street repair priorities are established and area needs are categorized into specific rehabilitation projects, e.g., crack sealing, pothole patching, utility-cut repair, resurfacing, etc.

In addition, large sewer and water projects that result in fairly significant street cuts will also routinely resurface the street after the pipeline work is completed. In fiscal year 2002, $700,000 was spent out of water and sewer projects to fix impacted streets.

Recommended Improvements:
  • Complete 2002 street resurfacing priorities;
  • Complete 2002 street resurfacing priorities;
  • Continue ongoing city street maintenance activities
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