Street Projects:
Sevier Avenue

Cost Estimate:

$3 million

Stage of Development:

Surveying, design and Engineering are complete. Construction of the new downtown water transmission line and adjacent water service lines are also complete. Construction of sewer, stormwater, sidewalks and street widening is underway with an expected completion in late Fall 2002


Through years of daily use and normal deterioration of the materials used to build the infrastructure (road,side- walk, sanitary sewer, stormsewer, and water pipes), the

City initiated the largest rehabilitation project in its history. By the time the sewer project is completed the street and everything beneath it will be replaced and rebuilt.
Recommended Improvements:
  • Remove and rebuild the concrete street
  • Widen the street by 2 1/2 - 3 feet to improve traffic safety
  • Construct a new 24 inch downtown transmission water line
  • Replace existing water service lines with new 6 inch lines
  • Install new 8 inch sanitary sewer lines
  • Replace and upgrade 18 inch stormsewers to 24 inch
  • Redesign the intersections of Sevier at Eastman and Borden Street to improve traffic turning movement safety
  • Rebuild the sidewalks
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